Latvian Adult Education Association, LAEA (Latvijas Pieaugušo izglītības apvienība) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, which unites adult education providers in Latvia – both individuals and organisations. LAEA was founded in December 14, 1993 with support from Latvia's Ministry of Education and Science and Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association.

The highest decision making body of LAEA is the General Assembly of its members. The General Assembly elects the Board, the Chairperson of the Association, who is also in charge of duties of chairing the Board, and the Audit Committee, for a two-year term. The Board manages activities of the Association in between general meetings.

LAEA aim

The aim of LAEA is to promote the development of the adult education system and to participate in the development of lifelong learning policy, promoting the formation of a civil, democratic and open society in the country.

LAEA vision

LAEA vision: to become a leading organization in the field of adult non-formal education, which unites various education service providers and adult educators, who play an important expert role in the development of adult education policy, as well as in the implementation of non-formal education quality guidelines in Latvia.

LPIA has accumulated considerable experience in organizing events at the local level, implementing projects at the national and international level, has established a nationwide network of adult education organizations, trainers, adult education programs and methodological materials.

LAEA is a member organisation of the 

European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) since 1995.
European Basic Skills network
Civic Aliance - Latvia
Latvian Platform of Development Education
Network of Nordic and Baltic adult education associations